The Big Move

Searching: to
look for
Journey: to go
form place to place
Applying: to
Employment: a
place of work
Required: needed
or wanted
Cramped: confined
or small space
to gather or collect
Vocabulary Activity:
Write an
application letter to a bank, employer, or school telling them why you are
applying for a loan, job or placement. Use at least 3 of the vocabulary words
listed above as a part of you application.
Grammar point:
clauses work like multiword adjectives in the sense that they describe whatever
is to the left of it. Adjective clauses usually are introduced by relative
pronouns such as who, whose, whom, which, that and where.
Grammar activity:
Underline the
adjective clauses in this paragraph then try to find them in your own paragraph.
I think this blog is relatable to immigrants into the country. Since there are adult ESL classes I think the application letter would be something valuable for them to complete.