Monday, March 5, 2012

These are the Days of Our Lives... 

Over the past several years I have had a secret guilty pleasure, watching the soap opera “Days of our lives”. I have watched this show on and off since I was a teenager back in South Africa. It was one of the only shows we got to watch on the local television Networks available to us.

Over the past decade characters have died, moved, given birth, and then mysteriously risen from the dead,  some have even been possessed by demons. The website is loaded great pictures, access to online episodes and other great information about the characters on the show.


Several-more than one or many
Guilty pleasure- something pleasurable that may make you feel guilty
Teenager-people in their teen years
Networks-television companies producing programs for broadcast
Decade- a period of 10 years
Mysteriously- something that cannot be explained
Possessed-influenced or controlled by something

Vocabulary Activity:  Find the hidden words in the word search

Grammar point:
When you are looking for Propper nouns in a sentence, a good hint is to look for nouns that begin with a capital letter, Pick out the Propper nouns in this passage.

Grammar activity:
Using the Propper nouns that you have picked out write a short poem about a televsion show that you watch.

1 comment:

  1. I am a big soap opera fan ("General Hospital" and "One Life to Live," but I don't watch "Days" with any regularity. I think soaps are a great escape from our problems, if you are looking for an escape.

    I like your vocabulary choices and the word search. Very good!
