Over the past few months my husband and I have spent endless hours hunting for the perfect home for our little family. With my infant son right on the verge of walking, our small apartment is becoming an increasingly cramped space for him
Keeping your vision of where you want to live and the actual budgeting factor in line with one another are seemingly quite a challenge. Searching on Long island has presented challenges of its own, mostly in the form of financing (paying the price for the perfect location that is). When you consider closing costs, broker fees , bank fees, moving cost and so on, the price tag becomes larger and larger, while the size of your dream house seams to shrink.
Endless- without an end
Hunting- to search for or chase in order to obtain
Perfect- without errors or mistakes
Infant- a young child
Increasingly-growing larger or greater
Vision- a picture or idea
Budgeting- calculating or estimating income and expenses
Challenge-difficulty in the activity
Shrink- getting smaller in size
Vocabulary Activity
PART 1: re-arrange the letters below to create the vocabulary words.
PART 2: use the words to complete the sentences below.
1. This weekend we will continue our house__________ adventures.
2. Exhaustion set in after a journey that seemed _______________.
3. We want to keep looking for the ___________house.
4. It is complicated travelling with an _________child.
5. As a first time home owner_____________ your finances correctly is key to success.
6. We are becoming ____________closer the longer we look.
7. As the house prices_____________, the sizes __________ too.
8. I have a ____________of what I am looking for in a house.
9. It is quite a ______________to find the right home.
Grammar Point
The majority of the nouns in this paragraph are common nouns. Nouns are mostly described as a person, a place or a thing. See if you can find any Proper nouns in the passage then use them in a sentence of your own.
Grammar Activity
Write a short story about a journey you have been on.